Why I Don’t Offer Free Samples
Kim Cheel Kim Cheel

Why I Don’t Offer Free Samples

I typically need at least a chapter to get an idea of the character’s journey, the plot arc, and the plan for overall structure. Some chapters are 2,000 to 4,000 words. That’s a lot of work for the editor to put in!

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Fill the Room
Kim Cheel Kim Cheel

Fill the Room

Write that story that you wished you had read when you were younger. Write that story that you think no one wants to read, because guess what? People do.

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Take Your Women Out of the Fridge
Kim Cheel Kim Cheel

Take Your Women Out of the Fridge

It’s time to end fridging.

Fridging is when a character only exists to be killed or harmed in order to serve as an inciting incident for the main character.

Often it’s women or other minorities who get the fridge.

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Create Believable Dialogue: Techniques for Writers
Kim Cheel Kim Cheel

Create Believable Dialogue: Techniques for Writers

In an old episode of The Simpsons, Bart is signing yearbooks. He signs a book for one of the twins who reads it out loud for us. “’See ya.’ She sighs. ‘He writes the way people talk.’”

It’s been years since I’ve seen that episode and I wouldn’t be able to tell you what the actual episode is about. That two second bit, however has stayed with me. Why? Because it’s something every writer should keep in mind.

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Get to Know the Editor: Pride Edition
Kim Cheel Kim Cheel

Get to Know the Editor: Pride Edition

You may have seen in my website footer that I have a pride flag. That is to indicate me as a safe place for authors and readers who are members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. It is not performative. I call out and I call in. And I shut up and learn when I’m called in. Even though sometimes my ignorance is innocent doesn’t mean that ignorance doesn’t hurt and leave scars. I haven’t always had it right. In fact, I had it very, very wrong for a long time.

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Stay Inspired: Overcome Writer's Block and Rejection
Kim Cheel Kim Cheel

Stay Inspired: Overcome Writer's Block and Rejection

Authors write for a myriad of reasons, but I firmly believe there’s one overarching reason: they must. Somewhere in their coding the desire to share their stories is so strong they can’t not.

So, what happens when that strong purpose is blocked?

What happens when an agent or a publishing company reads a query and says, “nah”?

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Navigating the World of Self-Publishing
Kim Cheel Kim Cheel

Navigating the World of Self-Publishing

Do I have clients who have been and still seek to be traditionally published? You bet! That’s a decision they made, they worked very hard, and they were pragmatic about their journey. I also have clients who have successfully self-published. We don’t have to deal in absolutes here – we’re not Siths. What works for you is what works for you.

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“The book is so beautiful and I am so impressed with your work! Again, I wanted to cry as I read it because you perfectly translated everything we were looking for in this experience. Amazing!”

— Lacy Morgan, Smarketing