I see a world where aspiring authors embrace and share their stories so they can bring positive change to the word…

I encourage those authors to share their stories by removing internal and external barriers so they can shape their story for their readers to embrace.

Hi! I’m Kim, an award-winning playwright and author. Story is very important to me, whether we use to to entertain, inform, assist, encourage, educate, or more. I know first-hand how freeing telling stories is, and how important that is and I love creating that feeling for others.

I am a voracious reader, and I balance my non-reading time with spending time with dogs and cats, watching various television shows, and playing nerdy games on Xbox, and of course sharing my life with my friends. I love the spring and summer and one of my favourite places to read, write, and edit is outside in the warmth of the sun.

About Kim Cheel

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“Kim’s ongoing support has been invaluable in the progress and quality of my book. With Kim’s keen eye for detail I’ve been able to improve my work far beyond what it would have been without her. Kim is effortlessly friendly and an absolute pleasure to work with, I’ve no doubt her help will be a great resource for your own project. If you’re looking for an editor, look no further– Kim is the one you want!”

- J.R. Carter, Author